Sunday Offering

St. Pius X Parish Pre-Authorization Donation by Direct Debit and Credit Card

Thank you for your interest in St. Pius X Parish’s Sunday Offering Plan. This plan allows you to give your Sunday Offering on a monthly basis by direct debit or credit card.

It is the most convenient way to make your Sunday Offering. Your commitment to give in this way ensures that your Sunday Offering reaches us even if you are away or not able to come to our parish in person. Instead of giving weekly, your Sunday offerings will be simplified into one monthly donation.

The Second Collection offering amount will vary according to the collections you wish to give to and the amounts for a particular month. Simply select the Second Collections of your choice. If you do not have a box of envelopes, please call the Parish Office.

For direct debit donations, please fill out the direct debit section in the form below and attach a void cheque with this completed form.

If you plan to make your donations by credit card instead of direct debit, please fill out the credit card section in the form below.

Click the image below to download the form and complete.